Monday, February 25, 2008

Let Me Count the Way(s of Podcasting)!

A list of ways of using Podcasts:

-sharing student work with the community
-narration of characters in literature
-vocabulary practice
-oral book report
-archiving historical events
-peer tutoring
-use on a field trip
-provide notes for absent students
-provide day plans for substitutes
-improve fluency of reading, speaking and communicating
-assessment tool
-enlist peer support for social issues
-bring experts and knowledge to students
-develop interviewing technique
-preview and or review of course material
-celebrate learning at the end of a unit

There are numerous Podcasts that we as teachers would benefit from accessing.
Here is a list of a only a few that may be of interest:

-Connect Learning Podcast (David Warlicks)
-ESL Teacher Talk
-Tech Teacher Podcast
-Music Appreciation Podcasts

In conclusion, podcasting is a very powerful tool that benfits both the learner and teacher. Students and teachers actively participate in creating and listening to info-rich podcasts.

'Podcasts are versatile, reusable, interesting and stimulating to the new generation of technology-savvy student(and teachers).'(Podcasting for Your Class,Mikat,Martinez,Jorstad, Journal of Physical Education, Recreation & Dance, May/Jun 2007.)

Long my your big jib draw! and when I am finally able to upload my podcast, you will know what the previous phrase means.


Ronda said...

Hi Cindy,

I loved reading over your suggestions for the educational uses of podcasting. Podcasts for leaving day plans for substitute teachers and communicating upcoming events for parents are excellent ideas!


Jennifer Branch-Mueller said...

This was a great collection of blogs and you should make sure to share it with others in your district.
