Sunday, February 10, 2008 is delightful

There are many social bookmarking tools out there such as Furl, Diigo, Blinklist, Ma.gnolia and Raw Sugar to name a few. Ronda shared a website in her blog that evaluated the top 10 social bookmarking tools. The author, Alex Iskol indicated that dominated the social bookmarking market.

As you may have guessed, I chose as my social bookmarking site as it is one of the most popular and well known book marking sites. Joshua Schachter is the creator of this tool that was launched in 2003. Laura Gordon-Mumane in her article entitled Social Bookmarking, Folksonomies and Web 2.0 Tools -Searcher, June 2006 (Proquest Education Journals)explains that Schachter needed a more sophisticated bookmarking tool to handle his large and growing collection of links. (Sound familiar?) He needed a better tool which would enable him to retrieve both his favorite and most frequently used links, as well as information less frequently used, but still important to him when he needed it. Hence, was introduced as the social bookmarking tool to use. was user friendly and quick to set up. After I signed up, I went to the next step of uploading two buttons to my browser, a 'tag' button and a 'shortcut to' button. Next,I went to my 'Favorites' in my browser to bookmark a few articles. The process was straight forward, with a few tags assigned and a brief note about the article, I was successful at bookmarking. A few hours later when I checked back there were others that had bookmarked some of my articles for themselves (the 'social' part of bookmarking). When I clicked on their names under users I could view all of their bookmarks. I must admit, I was totally amazed and enthralled! With just a click the web opens up to you and I can locate related information that has been tagged by other users. is indeed delightful!!

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